Les mixtapes Cognac Jay sont de retour.
Pour commencer, un mix de Phil Raptor en hommage à la Citroën Visa :
playlist :
01 - Annie Gosfield - Nickolaievski Soldat
02 - Kettel - Palle's Popsong
03 - Jon Hopkins - Vessel
04 - Kleerup - Until We Bleed (With Lykke Li)
05 - Bloody Mary - Black Pearl Siberia
06 - Krikor and the dead hillbillies - God will break it all
07 - Blank Dogs - Around the Room
08 - Crocodiles - Soft Skull (in_my_room)
09 - Starkey - Dark Alley
10 - Nathan Fake - Basic Mountain
11 - Maxime Dangles - Tulipa
12 - Talking Heads - This must be the place (naive_melody)